SDI & HDMI Live Streaming Encoders with API-driven Remote Management

Deploy and manage dozens, hundreds and thousands of live streaming devices easily

Streamline your live streaming workflow with unparalleled control and scalability

Solutions for Live Streaming

Our cloud platform provides a simple and effective solution for deploying and managing fleets of live streaming encoders. With our platform, you can easily scale up your live streaming operations to dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of encoders, without the need for complex hardware or infrastructure.

Streamline Deployment

Our cloud platform simplifies the deployment process of live streaming encoders, making it easy to get started quickly and efficiently. With our platform, you can deploy multiple encoders in a matter of minutes, reducing your time-to-market and enabling you to deliver your content faster.

Easy Management

Our platform provides both a centralized management dashboard and an API, giving you complete control over all your encoders. You can easily monitor and manage your devices, set up alerts, and make changes to your encoding settings in real-time.


Our cloud platform is built to scale, allowing you to deploy and manage hundreds or thousands of live streaming encoders with ease using cloud servers in multiple availability zones. In fact, you don’t even need to worry about scaling: we do this for you.

Cost Savings

Our platform helps you save on hardware and infrastructure costs by providing a cloud-based solution that eliminates the need for expensive hardware and maintenance. You only pay for what you use, making it cost-effective to deploy and manage large numbers of encoders.


We adhere to the Linux philosophy: “Write programs that do one thing and do it well”. Our platform is designed to provide reliable remote management for live streaming devices, with redundant infrastructure and 24/7 monitoring and support.


Our team has a strong ability to customize solutions for every client, taking into account your unique needs, goals, and constraints. We understand that no two clients are exactly alike, and we work closely with each one to develop a tailored approach that allows you to build the live streaming solution you want.

How to get started

If you're looking to unlock the full potential of our live streaming codecs and want to see how our platform can help, don't hesitate to order a sample encoder today. Ordering a sample encoder is quick and easy, and it's the perfect way to get a firsthand look at what our platform can do for you. So why wait?

Remote management API

A remote real-time API for live streaming devices is crucial for customers who rely on live streaming technology for their business needs. Here are some reasons why:

Increased Flexibility

A remote real-time API allows you to access live streaming device data from anywhere, anytime. This flexibility is particularly important for customers who operate in geographically dispersed locations or who need to monitor and configure multiple live streaming devices simultaneously.

Enhanced Monitoring Capabilities

A remote real-time API enables you to monitor live streaming devices in real-time, allowing them to identify and respond to issues quickly. This ensures that their live streaming services remain uninterrupted and that viewers and partners have a positive experience.

Simplified Management

With a remote real-time API, you can manage and configure live streaming devices from a central location. This simplifies device management and virtually eliminates the need for on-site technicians.

Improved Analytics

A remote real-time API can provide you with detailed analytics on their live streaming performance. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement and optimize live streaming strategies.

Deployment Flexibility

Deploying a service on your own servers, as opposed to our cloud, can provide several benefits. Here are some reasons why:

Greater Control

By deploying a service on your own servers, you have greater control over the hardware and software environment. This allows you to customize the environment to meet your specific needs and optimize performance.

Security Requirements

The highest cloud security standard is our promise to our customers. But hosting our service on your own servers allows you to meet security requirements of your organization.

Cost Savings

For customers with existing on-premises infrastructure, deploying a service on their own servers can be more cost-effective than using a cloud provider. You can leverage existing hardware and software resources, and avoid paying for additional cloud storage and computing resources.

Compliance Requirements

Certain industries and regulatory frameworks require companies to store and process data on-premises, rather than in the cloud. Deploying a service on your own servers can help you meet these compliance requirements if they apply to your industry or organization.

It's up to you –Manage via our cloud infrastructure or deploy on your own cloud

Are you a vendor?

Using our remote management platform integration with your live video encoder and decoder devices can offer several benefits that can help increase device sales to yout customers.