More usecases.
More business opportunities.
More value created for your customers.

Unlock unlimited possibilities with our cutting-edge, developer-friendly API that effortlessly facilitates remote control over a diverse range of streaming devices.

Not only do we offer an innovative platform, but our line of high-quality live streaming encoders (SDI and HDMI) empowers you to transmit up to 4 simultaneous streams with distinct codecs, formats, and bitrates. Say goodbye to the need for dedicated software or hardware transcoders!

Win win
Writing software

Remote management API for live streaming devices:

Our remote management API offers a powerful and flexible solution for managing live streaming devices from anywhere in the world. This API provides users with the ability to control, monitor, and configure your devices remotely, streamlining the live streaming process and reducing the need for on-site management.

Key features include:
  • Device control: Start, stop, or pause live streams to SRT, RTMPS, MPEG-TS and HLS-Push destinations, adjust settings like resolution and bitrate, and manage device firmware updates remotely.
  • Real-time monitoring: Access live analytics and monitor device status, such as uptime, signal strength, and streaming quality, to proactively address potential issues.
  • Scalability: Manage multiple devices simultaneously, making it easy to scale live streaming operations as needed.
  • Security: Secure API access with encryption and authentication protocols, ensuring the safety of your devices and data.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with other platforms and services, allowing you to customize your live streaming workflow.

Budget-friendly live streaming devices made for or integrated into our cloud:

We offer a range of budget-friendly live streaming devices designed specifically for use with our cloud platform, enabling users to create high-quality live streams without breaking the bank.

Our devices provide:
  • Cost-effective options: Affordable devices without compromising on quality, suitable for a variety of streaming needs, from small-scale productions to professional broadcasts.
  • Cloud integration: Seamless integration with our cloud platform for remote management, analytics, and storage, simplifying the streaming process.
  • Customizable solutions: A variety of devices to meet specific requirements, including portable, stationary, and multi-camera setups.
  • Plug-and-play functionality: Easy setup and configuration, allowing users to start streaming quickly and efficiently.
Embedded devices
Software developers

White label remote management PaaS and API for vendors and integrators:

Our white label platform allows live streaming device vendors to offer their customers a branded and customized remote management solution without the need for in-house development.

This option provides:
  • Custom branding: Tailor the API with your own branding elements, creating a cohesive experience for your customers.
  • Fast deployment: Utilize our robust and proven API infrastructure to quickly launch your own remote management solution.
  • Lower development costs: Eliminate the need for extensive in-house development, reducing costs and time-to-market.
  • Ongoing support: Receive regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements, ensuring your white label API remains competitive and up-to-date.

Live streaming device integration services:

Our live streaming device integration services ensure seamless compatibility between your existing equipment and our remote management API, allowing you to maximize the potential of your current hardware and more business opportunities.

These services include:
  • Compatibility assessment: Evaluate your existing live streaming devices to determine compatibility with our remote management API.
  • Custom integration: Develop tailored solutions to bridge any gaps between your devices and our API, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Training and support: Provide your team with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively manage your devices using our API.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Ensure the continued performance and compatibility of your devices with regular updates and support.
Software developers

Let's Get Started

Want to unlock the full potential of your products and offer your customers a top-notch user experience? Our cloud platform offers seamless integration that can help you optimize your devices and improve your customer satisfaction.


3804 N 29th Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020, USA



+1 (505) 389-2755

Let's discuss how we can work together to take your products to the next level.

We can start our conversation right now.